Stay in control of your child's health

Download the Healthier Together App from the App Store or Google Play.

Download Healthier Together mobile app

Download to your phone or tablet

Healthier Together App Icon.png  imgpsh_fullsize_anim-2.png   Healthier Together Google Play Store QR Code imgpsh_fullsize_anim-3.png

A mobile app to reduce worry for parents and care givers of young children

  • Create a secure profile for each child
  • Easily check the child’s symptoms and get advice on what to do
  • Some GP Practices offer direct service so you can inform them of the child's symptoms and they can contact you directly
  • Lots of other parents have already downloaded the app and have found it extremely useful


 Healthier Together app features:

  • Walk through symptoms checker
  • Select symptoms from clear and easy to follow images
  • Useful red, amber, green trafic light system
  • Yes or no answers
  • Gives the best way to help your child

Your locationChoose the condition from imagesRed, amber, green symptoms walk-through Get action straight away!

 Contact services directly from the app

  • GP Practice contact details and opening hours stored within the app
  • Directly call emergency services, 111, GP or Pharmacy from the app 
  • Find your local health service details directly from the app

Adding our website to your phone's Home Screen

1. When viewing the website Homepage in your phone's browser, tap the middle icon with the upwards arrow.

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2. Scroll down until you see the option 'Add to Home Screen'


3. Tap on 'Add to Home Screen'. An icon should now appear on your phone's home screen, linking directly to our website.


1. When viewing our homepage in your phone's browser, tap the 3 small dots to the top right hand side of the screen.


2. Select 'Add to Home Screen' from the menu options. An icon should now appear on your phone's home screen, linking directly through to our website.
